Welcome to Black Forest Animal Care

Our Team

Meet our young and dedicated team members

McKenna Logan

Managing Director
Problem solver and a people person. Strong background in both management and entrepreneurship.

Erika Ashley


Avid animal advocate and caretaker with more than 15 years experience including exotic, domestic and livestock. Pets cared for in Tri-Lakes and front range location off site and on location

Kincaid Brynna



Activities manager in charge of

special needs and activities.

Financial data organizer.



Zane Julian

Junior Agent

Promotions Manager

In charge of public relations and 

Part-Time TLC Assistant


Our Mascot, Athena

One of my best ever friends...


Your Pets' Next Best Friend

My entire life I have loved and cared for animals, whose company I prefer over almost any human.

As a parent, I am proud to see the same love of animals in my children's eyes.

Our pets are our family and are treated as such. And that mentality applies to any pet families who are not our own.


Locally family owned and operated, we are proud to annouce the reopening of our animal care service and eventual rescue organization.

Animals are your best friends and it doesn't matter what kind of animal it is, they deserve the best kind of care they can get, thats what we are here for, to offer the best kind of care you can find.

-Kincaid Kreger

My hobby will always have something to do with dogs. I spend most of my free time with them. Here, my interest is not limited to a particular race, but to the dog species in general. That dogs are my favorite hobby, it is clear how much time I devote to the topic.  My interest is however, definitley not limited to dogs, and if I could have one, two or more of every animal species on the planet, I would!

All creatures, great and small, are a part of my every day life. My clients' pets, some of whom are the only family they have, are treated as such. Each individual is as important as the next. Therefore, each is given as much care, love and devotion as any of my own.

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